Vol. 46 (2020), pp. 11–30 • 1.63 MB • español
Magnetic and Geochemical Study of Pre-Hispanic Pottery from the Momposina Depression: Archaeometric Analysis in Northern South America

Sneider Rojas Mora, Rubén Cejudo, Mónica Marín Uribe, María del Sol Hernández-Bernal, Avto Goguitchaichvili, Juan Morales, Fernando Montejo, Francisco Bautista

Arqueol. Iberoam.

This study reports the most recent results of archaeological research carried out in northern South America, particularly in the Momposina Depression, a Colombian region widely known for its extensive modification of the landscape in pre-Hispanic times. The main objective was to determine the absolute geomagnetic archaeointensity through the analysis of ceramic fragments obtained from the San Pedro site. Ceramic samples were analyzed to characterize their magnetic mineralogy, elemental composition, and estimate their chronology by comparison with the SHA.DIF.14k global geomagnetic field model. The results obtained are pioners in the Colombian Caribbean region and shed new light for regional archaeology. It is expected that this archaeometric information will contribute to improve the absolute dating of the study area.

Archaeomagnetism; geochemistry; pre-Hispanic pottery; Colombia; northern South America.

Cite as
Rojas Mora, S., R. Cejudo, M. Marín Uribe, M. S. Hernández-Bernal, A. Goguitchaichvili, J. Morales, F. Montejo, F. Bautista. 2020. Estudio magnético y geoquímico de la cerámica prehispánica de la depresión momposina: análisis arqueométricos en el norte de Sudamérica. Arqueología Iberoamericana 46: 11-30.

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Publication date: July 15, 2020.

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© 2020 ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA. ISSN 1989-4104. License CC BY 3.0 ES.
Edited & Published by Pascual Izquierdo-Egea. Graus & Pina de Ebro, Spain.
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