
Ancient Architectural Walls of Jordan in the Southern Levant
Mohammed Hussein, Mohannad Tarrad: Ancient Architectural Walls of Jordan in the Southern Levant. Arqueología Iberoamericana 55 (2025): 24–33. Abstract: Aerial photography techniques have received increasing attention in the field of archaeology, and Jordan has become one of the countries in the Middle East that is increasingly interested in this field, as survey studies and archaeological excavations have shown the rapid use of these techniques, especially by foreign and local missions operating in Jordan. These techniques effectively help the documentation process, particularly aerial photography, which has gained increasing attention and is used to document all the Great Walls in Jordan. Aerial photography techniques are present at Hashemite University, where they contribute to project work and provide research facilities. By applying them, it was possible to obtain distinctive digital images and to extract valuable data regarding the route that these Jordan Walls take throughout the surrounding area, which has contributed effectively to the success of field operations, especially the documentation work of the Jordan Walls.

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