LABORATORY of ADVANCED THEORETICAL ARCHAEOLOGY Laboratorio de Arqueología Teórica Avanzada Advanced Social Research. Archaeology of Social Phenomena
Theoretical, Quantitative & Computational Archaeology
I know a giant and strange hymn
which announces in the night of the soul a dawn, and these pages are from this hymn cadences that the air dilates in the shadows. Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-1870), “Rhymes.”
We are imperfect, it is impossible not to make
mistakes no matter how careful we are, but we must always seek perfection through research to advance in the true scientific knowledge of our existence. P. I. Egea (January, 2024).
Somos imperfectos, es imposible no cometer
errores por mucho cuidado que tengamos, pero siempre hay que buscar la perfección a través de la investigación para avanzar en el verdadero conocimiento científico de nuestra existencia. P. I. Egea (Enero, 2024).
Do not respect those who do not respect you.
P. I. Egea (November, 2024).
No respetes a quienes no te respetan.
P. I. Egea (Noviembre, 2024).
How do academics feel that, despite
ruining the brilliant future of a researcher, they are not able to refute his extraordinary scientific discoveries and achievements and choose to ignore them?
¿Qué sienten los académicos que, a pesar
de arruinar el brillante porvenir de un investigador, no son capaces de refutar sus extraordinarios descubrimientos y logros científicos y optan por ignorarlos? ARCHAEOLOGY AS A TRUE SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE
No one has ever come this far with so few means and everything against.
1991. Un programa informático para el análisis funerario en arqueología 1993. Análisis funerario y reconstrucción histórica de las formaciones sociales íberas [Mortuary Analysis and Historical Reconstruction of Iberian Social Formations]. Doctoral dissertation. Bellaterra: Autonomous University of Barcelona. 1996-97 [2000]. Fluctuaciones económicas y cambios sociales en la protohistoria ibérica [Economic Fluctuations and Social Changes in Iberian Protohistory]. 2009. Pozo Moro y los cambios socio-económicos de la protohistoria ibérica durante los siglos V y IV antes de nuestra era (Pozo Moro and the socio-economic changes of Iberian protohistory during the 5th and 4th centuries BC). Arqueol. Iberoam. 2: 5-23. ISSN 1989-4104. 2010. Fluctuaciones económicas en la Ampurias romana de época alto-imperial (Economic fluctuations in Roman Ampurias during early imperial times). Arqueol. Iberoam. 7: 3-38. ISSN 1989-4104. 2011. Mailhac y las fluctuaciones económicas de la protohistoria ibérica arcaica (550-450 a. C.) (Mailhac and the economic fluctuations of early Iberian protohistory, 550-450 BC). Arqueol. Iberoam. 11: 3-25. ISSN 1989-4104. 2012. Economic Archaeology of Grave Goods 2012. Baelo Claudia y Pollentia: nuevas evidencias sobre las fluctuaciones económicas en la Hispania romana de los siglos I-II d. C. (Baelo Claudia and Pollentia: new evidence on the economic fluctuations in Roman Spain during the first and second centuries AD). Arqueol. Iberoam. 14: 3-16. ISSN 1989-4104. 2012. Fluctuaciones económicas en la Ampurias del siglo V antes de nuestra era (Economic fluctuations in Ampurias during the fifth century BC). Arqueol. Iberoam. 16: 3-10. ISSN 1989-4104. 2013. On the Contextual Valuation Method and the Economic Archaeology of Grave Goods. 2013. Vaugrignon and the Economic Fluctuations of the Gauls during the Second and First Centuries BC. Arqueol. Iberoam. 20: 29-40. ISSN 1989-4104. 2014. Prehispanic Economic Fluctuations in the Balsas River Basin, Mexico. 2014. Tyre and the Fluctuations of Phoenician Economy during the 8th Century BC. 2015. A Statistical Technique to Measure Social Conflict through the Archaeological Record. 2015. The Late Classic Collapse among the Maya of Uaxactun, Guatemala and Barton Ramie, Belize according to the Mortuary Record. Arqueol. Iberoam. 27: 12-32. ISSN 1989-4104. 2016. Calculating the Available Resource Level from the Mesoamerican Mortuary Record 2016. Measuring Fluctuations in the Argaric Economy through the Mortuary Record 2016. Monte Alban and the Classic Collapse from the Mortuary Record 2017. Fundamentos de la arqueología de los fenómenos sociales I 2017. Corinth and the Fluctuations of Greek Economy during the 5th Century BC 2018. Implementing an Index that Weighs the Impact of a Scientific Journal Based on its Early Age 2018. Leslie A. White and the Objective Measurement of Human Culture Change 2018. Implementing a Statistical Equation to Measure Collapse in Ancient Mesoamerica 2018. A Comparison between Phase Transitions and Social Conflicts Applied to the Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations [Una comparación entre transiciones de fase y conflictos sociales aplicada a las antiguas civilizaciones mesoamericanas]. Arqueol. Iberoam. 38: 50-54. ISSN 1989-4104. 2018. Implementing a More Objective Index to Measure the Relevance and Impact of Scientific Journals 2018. A Statistical Equation to Measure the War Risk in Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica 2018. Boltzmann and the Connection of Thermodynamics with the Archaeology of Social Phenomena 2019. A New Bibliometric Index to Measure the Impact of Scientific Production 2019. Measuring the Degree of Urban Development through the Mortuary Record 2019. On the Fundamental Law of the Archaeology of Social Phenomena 2019. Thermodynamics and the Archaeology of Social Phenomena 2020. On the Law of Conflict in the Archaeology of Social Phenomena 2020. Nomothetic Archaeology: A Revolution in Progress. 2020. Social Classes in Precapitalist Societies? 2021. Teotihuacan and the Fluctuations of Mesoamerican Economy 2021. On the Law of Collapse of Civilizations according to the Archaeology of Social Phenomena 2022. A New Bibliometric Index to Measure the Scientific Relevance of Academic Journals 2022. The Law of Social Inequality according to the Archaeology of Social Phenomena 2022. Why Will Spain Never Win a Nobel Prize in Science? 2022. How to Improve Our World I 2022. Observing the Evolution of Argaric Civilization through the Mortuary Record 2022. On the Mechanics of the Process of Collapse of Civilizations 2023. Observing the Evolution of Argaric Civilization through the Mortuary Record 2023. Archaeology of Social Irreversibility and Economic Crises 2023. A New Enhanced Bibliometric Index to Measure More Objectively the Scientific Relevance of Academic Journals [Un nuevo índice bibliométrico mejorado para medir con mayor objetividad la relevancia científica de las revistas académicas]. Arqueol. Iberoam. 51: 88-91. ISSN 1989-4104. 2023. Antigüedad europea y mediterránea I 2023. Bibliometría Científica I 2023. Nomothetic Theoretical Archaeology I 2023. How to Improve Our World 2023. Fundamentos de la arqueología de los fenómenos sociales II 2024. Another Bibliometric Index that Measures More Objectively the Scientific Relevance of Academic Journals without Using Citations [Otro índice bibliométrico que mide con mayor objetividad la relevancia científica de las revistas académicas sin usar las citas]. 2024. On the Paradox of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Archaeology of Social Phenomena [Sobre la paradoja de la segunda ley de la termodinámica en la arqueología de los fenómenos sociales]. Arqueol. Iberoam. 53: 112-119. ISSN 1989-4104. 2024. New Light on Iberia in the 6th and 5th Centuries BC from Ancient Sources and the Mortuary Record [Nueva luz sobre la Iberia de los siglos VI y V antes de nuestra era a partir de las fuentes antiguas y el registro funerario]. Arqueol. Iberoam. 54: 10-25. ISSN 1989-4104. |