ISSN 1989-4104
Mailhac y las fluctuaciones económicas de la protohistoria ibérica arcaica (550-450 a. C.)
(Mailhac and the economic fluctuations of early Iberian protohistory, 550-450 BC)
411 KB
Pascual Izquierdo-Egeaespañol
Abstract. The analysis of the Grand Bassin II cemetery at Mailhac (Aude, France), using the contextual appraisal method for grave goods, has improved our scientific understanding of economic fluctuations in early Iberian protohistory, throwing much light not only on this issue but also on the events of the western Mediterranean during a little known period. In short, the funerary record shows a dramatic boom at Mailhac during the third quarter of the 6th century BC; on the other hand, the last quarter of this century shows a sharp decline in economic accumulation, coinciding with the fall of Greek trade with the Gaul communities across the Rhône while the first quarter of the 5th century indicates a new prosperity more marked than the previous one, in direct connection with the upswing of the Levantine Iberians.
Keywords: Mailhac, Grand Bassin II, economic fluctuations, Iberian protohistory, archaeology of death.
Izquierdo-Egea, P. 2011. Mailhac y las fluctuaciones económicas de la protohistoria ibérica arcaica (550-450 a. C.). Arqueología Iberoamericana 11: 3-25.
Publication date: 31-10-2011.
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