Letreiro dos Tanques I and II: Conservation Problems and Chemical Analyses of Rock Paintings and Saline Efflorescence
![]() Luis Carlos Duarte Cavalcante, Benedito Batista Farias Filho, Lívia Martins dos Santos, Laiane de Moura Fontes, Maria Conceição Soares Meneses Lage & José Domingos Fabris • português
The rock shelters known as “Letreiro dos Tanques I” and “Letreiro dos Tanques II” are located in the rural area of the city of Juazeiro do Piauí, state of Piauí, Brazil.
The sandstone walls of the shelters are covered with prehistoric rock art, painted in patterns of orange and light and dark red hues; in some parts, rock engravings are observed.
Animal waste, the action of insects, particularly termites and wasp nests, and some other natural causes, such as saline efflorescence, tend to degrade its prehistoric art.
This work was conceived to also contribute to efforts toward a better description of these sites, as an essential condition to understanding its real cultural meaning within the wide mosaic of evidence for the prehistoric human occupation in northeast Brazil, and to help plan and consolidate its effective preservation.
Keywords: rock art, conservation, archaeometry, cultural heritage, Brazil.
Duarte Cavalcante, L. C., B. B. Farias Filho, L. Martins dos Santos, L. de Moura Fontes, M. C. Soares Meneses Lage & J. Domingos Fabris. 2013. Letreiro dos Tanques I e II: problemas de conservação e análises químicas de pinturas rupestres e eflorescência salina. Arqueología Iberoamericana 18: 3-13. http://www.laiesken.net/arqueologia/archivo/2013/18/1_en.
Publication date: 30 April 2013.