DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14760872.
Vol. 55 (2025), pp. 41–57 •
Khalid A. Alawneh,1 Fakhrieh Darabseh,2 Hakam S. Shatnawi,3
Omar A. Alananzeh,3 Wassef Al Sekhaneh 4
(1) Faculty of Business, Economics & Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia;
(2) Department of Travel & Tourism, Faculty of Tourism & Hotel Management, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan; (3) Department of Hotel Management, Faculty of Tourism & Hotel Management, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan; (4) Department of Conservation & Management of Cultural Resources, Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
There have been numerous studies examining essential aspects of cultural and heritage tourism (CHT), but there is a lack of research that specifically focuses on the fundamental elements linked to the movement of structural knowledge in networks within the context of tourism performance.
To fill this gap, this study comprehensively investigates the connections between cultural and heritage tourism, destination image, perceived value, and revisit intention.
Tourism in Jordan is closely linked to archaeological sites, as monuments and historical sites are one of the main attractions for tourists. Jordan is characterized as a holy country, and its archaeological sites have great religious and historical significance, with many of these sites stemming from biblical accounts also known as biblical archaeology.
The method of conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) was employed to choose and examine relevant research papers that were published in the last two decades.
The findings indicate that cultural and heritage factors related to perceived value and revisit intention are not given much consideration by tourism researchers.
The research findings also emphasize the significance of destination image, a crucial component for promoting CHT.
The study also highlights the need for additional empirical research to clarify the role of CHT, destination image, and perceived value in predicting revisit intention, which is essential for the competitive and strategic management of tourism business organizations.
Scientometrics, scientometric, archaeology, Jordan, culture, heritage, tourism, destination image, perceived value, revisit intention, systematic.
Cite as
Alawneh, K.A.; F. Darabseh; H.S. Shatnawi; O. A. Alananzeh; W. Al-Sekhaneh. 2025.
Scientometric Study on Archaeology, Culture, Heritage, Tourism, Perceived Value and Revisit Intention in Jordan. Arqueología Iberoamericana 55: 41–57. Other Persistent Identifiers
PURL: ARK: ark:/49934/362.
Received: December 17, 2024. Modified: December 22, 2024.
Accepted: December 31, 2024. Published: January 31, 2025. References
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