ISSN 1989-4104
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Pascual Izquierdo-Egeaespañol
Title: Economic fluctuations in Roman Ampurias during early imperial times.
Abstract. The application of a contextual appraisal method to the analysis of funerary expense in early imperial Roman Ampurias, has shown the enormous utility of this tool for the economic and social reconstruction of the history of this city. Various economic fluctuations have been documented in the record of grave goods, from the time of Augustus to the first half of the second century AD, confirming information already indicated by literary sources and shedding more light on the nature of these changes. Economic crises were identified, including some as significant as those experienced during the Tiberius period, as well as currency fluctuations. This serves to demonstrate the extraordinary importance of the contextual approach to expand not only our knowledge of Roman society, but also of many other civilizations and peoples of antiquity.
Keywords: funerary expense, archaeology of death, economic fluctuations, Roman Ampurias, early imperial Rome, classical antiquity.
How to cite this publication:
Izquierdo-Egea, P. 2010. Fluctuaciones económicas en la Ampurias romana de época alto-imperial. Arqueología Iberoamericana 7: 3-38.
Publication date: 30-9-2010.
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